
Retirement Planning

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A Partnership that Makes a Difference.

By partnering with Muncaster Financial Group, plan sponsors and Trustees are positioned to offer a retirement savings plan that is designed to guide employees to retirement success while being efficiently compliant. MFG has a proprietary process that is customized, transparent and outlines all necessary steps throughout the plan year. The retirement plan experts at Muncaster Financial Group look forward to being your partner in developing and managing a retirement plan that your company and employees can be proud of.

Comprehensive Employer Sponsored Retirement Planning Services
Muncaster Financial Group is focused on helping you create quality retirement plans to invest in those that invest in your business, day in and day out. Through careful planning and attention to detail, we are prepared to help you provide retirement support, while improving job satisfaction and enhancing company loyalty.

The Right Team to Drive Your
Business Forward

The team at Muncaster Financial Group makes it our goal to empower clients with over seven decades of combined experience, while providing the necessary tools and advice to protect you and your business. As a fiduciary, it is our duty to put your interests first, ensuring a careful plan is in place while meeting complex legal standards.

Create long-term relationships and success while implementing an advanced strategy and an experienced team to fill existing fiduciary gaps, review the proper legal processes and guidelines, and carefully establish a long-term plan.

Here are just a few of the services our experts can provide to help protect your business:

  • • Identify plan fiduciaries, equipping them to understand their specific responsibilities
  • • Ensure individuals are properly covered by liability insurance
  • • Identify plan parties of interest and take steps to monitor transactions
  • • Understand major exemptions under ERISA that permit transactions with parties in interest
  • • Comply with reporting and disclosure requirements, in addition to compliance guidelines
  • • Document the hiring process for service providers
  • • Routinely examine plan design and document processes and update when necessary






Relationship-Oriented Service &
Personalized Attention

Our dedicated advisors are relationship-oriented, providing more personal attention, service, and flexibility as we create strategic solutions to help your employees achieve their financial goals. Our customized plans are created after assessing each person’s personal needs, asset streams, liabilities, and financial goals. We are able to pivot portfolios as necessary according to your current financial goals.

Employees will have access to one-on-one consultations with our dedicated team to plan for a strong financial future while boosting company satisfaction. We provide an extensive financial review and a full-range of services including:

  • • Retirement & Non-retirement Assets
  • • Investments
  • • Asset Management
  • • College Planning
  • • IRA Rollovers


Time Honored Methods Based on Experience

Through a carefully developed approach, our team can help you create an investment plan to oversee risks, manage fiduciary exposure, and help improve financial outcomes. Our investment strategies are built on proven methods with specific client needs at the forefront of our mind; we take the time to invest in you while helping to create a thriving retirement plan.
Aided by a dynamic, comprehensive approach, our investment appraisal can help you measure performance, provide optimization analysis, and assess risk-adjusted returns, along with our professional recommendations.

Metrics Include:

  • • Portfolio Theory Statistics
  • • Quadratic Optimization Analysis
  • • Risk-Adjusted Return
  • • Peer Group Rankings
  • • Fund Manager Tenure






Targeted Plans to Maximize
Financial Securities

Each employee has different financial priorities to achieve their life goals. Creating customized, targeted plans to maximize employee financial securities seeks to generate a higher savings rate, while fostering job satisfaction and increasing productivity. The Muncaster Financial team is excited to engage and educate your employees while working to continuously improve plan outcomes for you and those in your care.

Through one-on-one meetings and ongoing support, our experts will design financial strategies for all career stages, focusing on topics such as budgeting, investment, debt management, wills, life insurance, college planning and retirement to improve employee financial wellness.


Customized, High-Touch Designs
to Help You Achieve More

Supporting your employees is best accomplished through driven, well-thought-out methods to encourage retirement plan participation. Achieving employee financial growth can be done through cost-effective and proactive solutions such as Employer Matching Programs, Automatic Enrollment, Higher Minimum Deferral Rates, and Automatic Deferral Escalation.






Your Financial Plans, in the Right Hands

Instituting sound governance practices in the beginning of any plan is the best way to ensure an organized and well-run approach. Our dedicated financial advisors can help you devise a thoughtful retirement plan and assist in naming a governing fiduciary and retirement plan committee.

Plan management and administrative duties can be alleviated through:

  • • Investment Policy Statements
  • • Establish a Board Resolution
  • • Committee Member Acceptances & Charter
  • • Quarterly and Annual Monitoring Reports


Thorough Market Assessments to
Achieve Competitive Solutions

At Muncaster Financial Group, our advisors have access to a network of resources to create and keep a competitive plan. Guided by experience and forward-thinking industry expertise, we provide clients with the tools to compare the quality and cost of your current provider against the capabilities of other bidders, comparing factors such as investment management, compliance services, employee education and technology.

We offer a thorough assessment of the market every three to five years to see how pricing stacks up, analyzing the market so that you can stay ahead of the trends.






Hitting Your Target Financial Goals

Target-Date Funds (TDFs), also known as life-cycle or age-based funds, are a simple way to save for retirement. They offer exposure to a variety of markets, active and passive management, and a selection of asset allocation. Our company’s TDF selection process will analyze factors such as plan specific assumptions, participant demographics and tendencies as we find the right solution together.

Note: Investments in target date funds are subject to the risks of the underlying funds. An investment in a target date fund is not guaranteed at any time, including on or after the target date.


Executive Benefits Planning

Executive Benefits Planning

Industry-leading executive benefits are a powerful tool for inviting, keeping and rewarding valuable leaders in your company. These competitive benefits set your organization up for success while attracting key employees who can drive your business forward. These benefits will help your experienced executives retire when and how they want to, giving your workforce the room it needs to grow.


Create Strategic Incentives
for Valued Employees

Our dedicated advisors recognize the crucial connection between company performance and executive compensation. Muncaster Financial Group is prepared to deliver comprehensive solutions to attract and keep the top-tier talent your organization depends on. We can create carefully tailored pay structures to address short-term needs and create long-term solutions while comparing market data to ensure your executives are being compensated competitively.






Create and Maintain a Sustainable
Benefits Plan

Corporate-owned life insurance (COLI) is a wise investment strategy for your organization to offset costs while insuring the lives of essential employees. A successful COLI program is implemented through personalized guidance on plan design combined with a forward thinking team to help with implementation and administration. The professionals at Muncaster are prepared with the experience and solutions to help.

COLI has several advantages that make it a favorable financial plan:

  • • Gains on policy cash value are tax-deferred and may, if held until the death, be income tax-free.
  • • Company access to cash values to fund plan distributions through withdrawals to basis and loans.
  • • Reallocation within the policy will not create taxable gains.


Long-Term Support to Prepare for
the Unexpected

High limit disability insurance is a solid option to safeguard your key business executives. Through proactive planning, your organization can offer protection from compensation gaps and taxed government disability benefits, while providing essential coverage. In the event of disability, this plan offers financial protection should any career-damaging injury or illness arise while also protecting the future of your business.

Muncaster Financial Group can assist with implementing any disability income benefits with limited impact on your HR division through the following:

  • • Increased coverage maximums
  • • Protected bonus compensation
  • • Tax-free benefits


Disability Income


Executive Bonus


Retain Your Top Talent with Premium Plans

A beneficial way to drive business and improve company loyalty is through executive incentives. Consider paying the premium on custom tailored employee-owned life insurance policies, in which the premium amount converts into a compensation bonus for the valued executive. Under this carefully designed and implemented policy plan, the premium amount is tax-deductible to you.

These plans are structured to provide the following from the policy’s tax-advantaged cash value accumulation and decease benefits:

  • • Survivor Income
  • • Retirement Income
  • • Estate Liquidity
  • • Disability Income Protection
  • • Educational Funding


Benefits on the Go

During our digital age, it is crucial to think and plan for company employees around the world. We are prepared to design and implement compensation plans for your top traveling executives, as we also manage your solution services in multiple currencies. Our expertise in global executive compensation programs allows us to create benefit plans while adhering to numerous jurisdictions.


Global Executive


Nonqualified Deferred


Bridge the Retirement Gap for Key Executives

Our ever-evolving Muncaster Financial Group management tools and techniques will help you plan for the future and assist your key company executives as they save for retirement. A deferred compensation plan allows you to provide your top performers with a personalized solution to the “retirement gap”, while protecting them from the government’s restrictions on tax-deferred plans.

We offer the following services while ensuring a smooth transition and plan execution:

  • • Participant investment option processing
  • • Contribution earnings/losses allocation
  • • Calculation and tracking of vesting schedules and distributions
  • • Creation of plan liability reports for asset rebalancing


Equip Your Company with Top-Tier Service

Muncaster Financial Group is built on client relationships and exceptional service. Our clients are our top priority, and all of our services are carefully tailored to suit their individual needs while creating competitive and cost-effective benefits. We issue client support while providing top-tier consulting to develop customized and strategic solutions to drive you and those in your care forward.

Our Plan Design services include initial design consultation, documentation, investment option analysis, product placement, administration and implementation.


Plan Design and Administration

Supplemental Executive Retirement


Dynamic Retirement Income Strategies

Due to the “retirement gap” caused by limits on employee and employer contributions to tax-favored qualified plans, executive compensation solutions are needed to help your essential employees retire exactly how they want to. A Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) provides a way to increase their savings and remind them of their indispensable value.